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Number of Volumes  5
Number of Issues  16
Number of Articles  130
Article View  44,812
PDF Download  99,885
View Per Article  344.71
PDF Download Per Article  768.35

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Educational Research and Innovation Journal is a scientific open access peer-reviewed journal issued by the Education Strategy Administration (ESA) - Ain Shams University. The Journal publishes distinguished research in the fields of educational development and innovation. The journal is published quarter annually in both English and Arabic languages.

The journal’s editorial board welcomes manuscripts that make a significant contribution to the development of the education system in its various fields and advance the level of scientific research in the field of education regionally and globally.

Manuscripts published in ERIJ include a particular interest in endorsing the new and innovative educational concepts and enriching them with distinguished applied practices based on scientific foundations and evidence in order to contribute to the development of education in its various fields and build knowledge, through an environment that stimulates scientific research, intellectual creativity, and effective global partnerships. Please make sure to read the instructions for authors before submitting your manuscript.

Uniquely identified by an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN: 2735-5918) for printable version and (ISSN: 2735-5926) for online version. All the research works are uniquely identified by a CrossRef. DOI digital object identifier supplied by indexing and repository platforms.


Global leadership and excellence in the dissemination of research that contributes to the development of the education system in its various fields and raises the level of scientific research in the field of education regionally and globally.


Consolidating modern and innovative educational concepts and enriching them with distinguished applied practices based on scientific foundations and evidence that contribute to the development of education in its various fields and building a knowledge economy, through a stimulating environment for scientific research and intellectual creativity, and effective global partnerships.


Current Issue: Volume 5, Issue 16, January 2025 

Improving reading abilities for Children who have Irlen syndrome who are suffering from dyslexia using colored overlays

Pages 72-103

Lamiaa Sedek Shaban; Supervised by: prof. Dr. Nabila Amin Ali Abo Zed; Dr. Hoda Nasr Mohmed Mostafa

Cognitive emotional regulation strategies and their relationship to suicidal ideation among female university students

Pages 104-136

Asmaa Ibrahim Muhammad Muhammad; Supervised by: Ass. Prof. Maggie William Youssef; Dr / Asmaa Abdel Moneim Erfan

A Suggested Program Based on Social Linguistics Approach to develop Oral Communication skills for Second Language Learners

Pages 137-169

Asmaa Salah-Eldin Khalifa Hasan; Supervised by: Dr.Prof/Fayza El Sayad Mohamed Awad; Dr.Rania Shaker Serag-Eldin

Developing Cognitive Flexibility to Reduce Challenging Behaviors in A Child’s Autism Spectrum

Pages 170-192

Aya Mohamed Mohamed El-Saeed Abdel Latif; Supervised by: Professor DR. Awatif Ibrahim Shawkat; Dr. Hoda Nasr Mohamed

Developing perceived self-efficacy to improve social interaction among hearing-impaired children in the primary stage

Pages 222-251

Khaled Muhammad Abdel Salam Mujahid Ghoneim; Supervised by: Professor DR. Awatif Ibrahim Shawkt; Dr. Asmaa Abdel Moneim Irfan